Organize Your Space for Productivity & Focus

Whether you’re working from home, or your work is keeping your home functioning, it can be a struggle to keep your space, and your thoughts organized when your whole family is around 24/7.  

Fact: I’m a Big Idea person.  I love creating and planning, but the execution of those little details that make everything work just right… those aren’t for me.  I love tangents and frequently find myself wandering in thought.  So keeping my space organized for optimal functionality is a must! 

Here are some of the things that help keep my space functional and motivating.  Because who couldn’t use a little dose of motivation each day?

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

The focal point on my desk is a picture of a home on the beach.  When my husband and I talk about the future, we always agree on one thing, a cosy little beach house that we can kick our feet up in retirement.  The more time we spend talking about it, the more we normalize the idea, and lessen the “dream” aspect of it.  It is becoming something that we talk about casually in conversation, and are actively planning for our future.  

Family First

Next to my beach house, you’ll find a photo of my family.  This one is kind of a no-brainer, since my family is the driving force behind wanting to be successful.  But it also has a little more significance for me.  I felt like I used to sacrifice family time for work, and I want the constant reminder that I am only working so I can spend more time with my family in the future.  Not the other way around.  

Balancing Act

I always had a fear of money, not of spending it, but of it’s existence (rather, lack there of, if we’re talking honestly about my bank accounts).  Keeping a copy of our monthly budget visible at my work station helps me to have finances at the forefront of any spending I’m doing.

When I became a casualty of the corona virus layoffs, I began tightening our budget.  Oddly enough, being out of a job and my own income, it gave me something that I had complete control over – our expenses.  With my husband still employed, we were not in a bad place financially, but I knew that if we didn’t make adjustments to the way we spent our money in the coming months, we may end up in a state of panic later.  

Being able to see the monthly budget at all times keeps me aware of how we are doing financially, and it also keeps me focused on making sure our money is working for us in ways that will lead us toward our future goals.  

The Smell of Success

I love me some floral essential oils,because fresh flowers everyday, is completely unrealistic.  I love the smell and look of a delicate bouquet.  They help me to feel inspired in my thought and creativity, but let’s go back to my budget for a second.  The cost of one arrangement is equal or greater than a whole bottle of my favorite smelling oil – which can last for months.  So because I plan to own that beach home in the future, I will settle for my diffuser, and maybe the occasional fresh picked flowers.

Write On

I’m still working on being able to process and express my feelings, and writing them down in a journal helps! It’s also where I record inspirations for later writings.  With so many thoughts and ideas running through my head during the day, I like to be able to have one spot where I can put the things I want to expand on at a later time.  I also enjoy storytelling(in case you didn’t know).  References back to a memory or moment in time, helps me to bring a story to life.  

To-Do List

Sometimes I just need to be able to say I’ve completed something for the day, so I pick an item off this list to easily knock out.  Instead of wasting time turning on the TV or getting caught up in something without an end in sight, I can pick a task that I is accomplished quickly, and get back to what I was doing before.  

What keeps you tuned into the work you’re doing?


  1. Having a daily and weekly to do list really has helped me stay organized and focus. I feel like I complete all my task on time and in an order fashion. Great tips.

  2. Love this! I’m the same btw, always about the big picture at the expense of little details! I always make sure I’ve got a jar of affirmations on my desk that I can dip into when I’m feeling uninspired. I also always make sure to have a bottle of water nearby so I’m actually staying hydrated!

    1. I love that you have an affirmation jar! I may have to add this idea to my workspace!

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